Kangaroo Program
The Kangaroo mother care method is a care technique for premature or low birth weight newborn babies that consists of skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby, which includes exclusive breastfeeding and stimulation and protection that gives the mother through this contact that can also be provided by the father or another adult. It is ideal in Health situations where prolonged stay in the Hospital is not possible. In the Dominican Republic, it started in 2014 and has shown a marked improvement in the survival of these delicate babies, as well as an improvement in their nutrition and growth and a notable decrease in infections. Our Foundation helped start this program at the Maternity Hospital of Los Mina and extend it to 5 Hospitals in the country. This year another 5 programs will be established in cities in the East and the South. With your economic contribution equivalent to 20 dollars, you will be saving the life of a premature baby in one of the Hospitals of our country. Your contribution equal to $ 100 per year will save the lives of 5 babies whose mothers will send you their photos.
Bebes Canguros
Enero 2024
Celebrando la vida de nuestros bebés canguro! Esta bebe nació de 26 semanas.
Nació en un centro privado. Llegó a nuestro hospital en Higüey con 22 días. Estuvo 3 meses hospitalizada, entre la UCIN y alojamiento canguro. Actualmente 1 años y 7 meses.
Celebrando llegada a casa despueses de tantos meses de hospital.
Hospital Regional Doctor Antonio Musa