National Network of Neonatal Resuscitation
The National Network of Neonatal Resuscitation . In our country 170.000 to 180,000 babies are born every year . As in every place in the world most are born healthy and ready to go in their first day of life , but around 10 % need some extra help to initiate respirations.
One (1)% need real help with punctual interventions to prevent from organ damage due to lack of oxygen in vital organs as are the brain and heart . This damage is largely preventable if we are prepared by anticipating the problems we could encounter and be prepared always at every place a baby is born.
A crucial time is that first minute of life called “ the golden minute “ because it provides a critical time to initiate resuscitation and impact the short and long term survival of the newborn.
For this and to assure that every baby has his chance at a better life is that we have established the National Network of neonatal Resuscitation by delivering training to nurses and physicians that attend deliveries and providing them with the necessary ecquipments for a succcessfull resuscitation at every major Maternity Hospital. So far we have personnel in every one of the 20 largest of these Hospitals with the necessary tools buy many still has to be done .